Courageous Leadership: CONSISTENCY

Tolerance is the only thing that will enable persons belonging to different religions to live as good neighbours and friends. Once one assumes an attitude of intolerance, there is no knowing where it will take one.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Hello Friends,

Thank you to everyone who sent emails and texts over the last week, responding to our newsletter and just to stay in touch. WE APPRECIATE all of you! 

We are looking forward to being together again - IN PERSON - before too long; however, we do not know when that will be. We will open the Yellow Room up again when it is safe to do so.

We have been taking this time to evaluate our goals and intentions. Beginning next week, we will share with you our decisions about changing some of our classes as well as new offerings. 


For this week, our dear friend LaVaun O’Connor has offered to teach her Beginning Meditation class via Zoom beginning THIS WEDNESDAY at 6PM. The tuition for this class is $10

If you would like to join LaVaun and us for this beautiful class, please email us at and we will send you all the information!


As you may remember, last week we began our discussion about our essential traits for courageous leadership, which are: 

  1. Honesty

  2. Consistency

  3. Vulnerability

  4. Consideration

Today, we are concentrating on the second essential trait: CONSISTENCY.

Honesty and CONSISTENCY build trust. Courageous leaders are those we KNOW we can trust. 

When our leaders are consistent in their actions, we know what to expect from them – they are reliable. They are steady. We can depend on them. They act the same on a good day as they do in a crisis. There is no question in our minds about who they are at their core.

Two of the hallmarks of courageous leaders are the consistency of tolerance and gentleness in their behavior and speech. They are tolerant of those who may disagree with them – not letting disagreements or conflicts sway them from their convictions. And they are gentle in their approach by treating those who disagree with them with the same respect and understanding as those who are on their side.

Unfortunately, many leaders are consistently inconsistent. Here again though, WE can bring the consistency of courageous leadership into our OWN lives! 

Tolerance is vital when leading ourselves because we will never be perfect all the time. As coaches, we have seen what happens when our clients do not lead themselves with tolerance. They stop. They stay stuck. And just as with honesty - from our discussion last week - guilt, shame, and judgment are the lens through which they see themselves. 

The same goes for gentleness, when we behave or speak in a manner that is out of alignment with who we know ourselves to be, consistent gentleness allows us to honestly reflect and move forward.

Take some time over the next week to bring awareness to whether or not you lead yourself with consistency. Are you tolerant and gentle – even on your worst days? If you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you!

Love to all,
Annette and Ada


Happy Monday!


Courageous Leadership: HONESTY