Begin Again With Experience

“I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”
~ Thomas Edison

Hello Friends -

We hope you are all doing well!

It has been an exciting week for our family. On Friday, a new baby arrived! Annette is now a grandmother of three – and Ada is an auntie once again!

The beginning of a new life is a very special time because it carries with it the hope of possibility. As coaches, we feel a sense of possibility each time a new client walks through our door. We KNOW they can make the changes in their lives they want or need to make if they can find the willingness within to respond to life in a different way.

As you begin to walk the path of personal development and learn tools to make adjustments in your life, there will inevitably come an opportunity to use your newfound knowledge and yet, you end up doing things “the old way.”


When we think we have failed in using our new tools or we recognize that we just reacted in that old, familiar way that always ends up in a struggle, it is easy to get down on ourselves and lose hope. However, the next time you have such an experience, stop for a moment and pause. Please refuse the temptation to let an inner dialogue of defeat take over.

We know it’s easy to think you’re back to square one and allow disappointment to creep in. Yet, what if you simply acknowledged that you did not respond the way you had hoped and gave yourself permission to begin again with experience?


  1. Support yourself emotionally (cry, if needed).

  2. Understand that by NOT doing things differently and realizing your new tools and methods for success WOULD HAVE changed the outcome to something more desirable, you will be motivated to USE your new skills in the future! All your seeming failures are simply another opportunity to integrate more fully what you are learning.

  3. Celebrate the recognition that there was indeed a better way of handling the situation. You can say something to yourself like: “Well, I’ve proven to myself once again that the old way of doing things really, truly doesn’t work.”

  4. Try again and implement your new tools and techniques.

  5. Never give up on yourself! No matter what!

The journey of personal development is not taken in leaps and bounds. Learning new tools and techniques to improve our relationships with ourselves and others happens one step at a time.

Lots of love to you,
Annette and Ada


What’s Happening in the Yellow Room This Week

Sunday Mornings with Annette and Ada
Sundays, 11AM – 12:15PM

Yoga with Terry
Tuesdays, 9 – 10AM
Wednesdays, 4:30 – 5:30PM
Thursdays, 9 – 10AM

Connect with Others Polarity Workshop with Terry
Wednesday, 6PM


Zoom, Here We Come!


July 2020 Yellow Room Calendar