Meeting the Needs of Rest and Ease

“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.”
― Alan Cohen

Hello Friends,

Thank you to all of you who took the time to contact us last week! It was more than wonderful to hear your news and connect.

The motto for us this week is REST AND EASE. As we mentioned last week, we have been very busy setting everything up in the Yellow Room, making it a combined coaching/workshop space. Now that it is finished, we are making this a week of moving a little slower and prioritizing some much-needed relaxation.

We’re also wondering: What has been going on in your life where you could use some rest and ease, too?

Are you actually GIVING yourself some time for ease?
Are you ALLOWING yourself to take a break and relax?

We have learned from personal experience that we must nurture ourselves and allow for the time and space for rest and ease when we are:

  • Struggling with one or some of our relationships. It is difficulty to have clarity when we haven’t had an opportunity for quiet reflection.

  • Seeing that a relationship is on the verge of ending. Whatever the form of ending may be, it takes time to learn, practice, and integrate a new way of relating to life when someone leaves our lives.

  • Grieving a significant loss. There is no timetable for when our grieving process must be “complete.” In fact, all the research we have done on grief leads us to the conclusion that grief may never fully go away or may fluctuate day to day, and situation by situation.

  • Changing jobs, moving, celebrating a promotion, getting married, or caring for a new baby. Even life events that are not thought of as “negative” cause stress and anxiety. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory is an extremely helpful resource for understanding just how stressful life can be - even when life is going well. Rest and ease are the balm that will soothe you . . . with no timetable attached.

Maybe you’d like to join us in having your own Week of Rest and Ease. If so, let us know! We’re all in this together!

Love to all,
Annette and Ada


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