Join Our Courageous Leadership Work Group


Hello Everyone!

We hope you are well. We sure do miss gathering together IN PERSON with all of you! 

Thankfully, this past Saturday, we DID gather with the attendees of our very first Courageous Leadership workshop at WCCC’s Community Education Center, and it was truly a great day! 

Courageous Leaders are found in ALL areas of life:

  • All Forms of Government

  • Communities

  • Schools

  • Businesses

  • Religious Organizations

  • Non-profits

  • Families

  • Athletic Teams

  • Our Military

If you know that you are a leader, we have a few questions for you:

DO YOU . . .

FULLY commit to those in your charge?

Have candor, even in difficult conversations?

Act with consistency so you can be trusted?

Cooperate with others and lead as part of the team?

Command with certainty and authority?

These qualities are present in Courageous Leaders

To support those on the path of Courageous Leadership, on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, we will begin our lunchtime COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP WORK GROUP, and we would love to have many of you join us. We want this to be an IN-PERSON group, but if Mesa County Public Health is still limiting the size of groups and the first few have to be on Zoom, that is what we will do. (Full disclosure – we much prefer in-person events and have been holding out for these to return . . . but even we can’t wait forever!)

We want our Work Group to be made up of leaders of all ages, professions, and positions. Please plan to join us each Tuesday, starting on January 19, 2021, from Noon to 1PM! – Each session is $10.

Our hope is that we can come together, form a learning and supporting space for the leaders in our community and TRULY make a difference in the lives of those we lead. 

Wishing you a beautiful week!
Annette and Ada


Happy Thanksgiving!


Let’s Live in Integrity!