Our Gratitude for You

People are suffering - and they are not able to fully devote themselves to solving their problems because of the busyness in their lives.

Hello Friends!

Are you ready for another week of learning and joining at the Academy for Personal Development? We are! – And we are finally ready to offer our new week-long coaching experience: INTENSE FOCUS. We created this program for both individuals and couples.


Beginning Next Tuesday, March 3, at 6:30PM, we will present the first of nine sessions focusing on the Enneagram. You don’t want to miss this opportunity for deeper self-understanding and connection with others.

Each session is $10 and will give you a wealth of information to apply directly to your life.


One thought that has been on our minds lately is the importance of coming together with others in a spirit of acceptance for those with whom we are joining and ourselves.

We have many different meetings throughout the week in our Yellow Room (aka Suite 1) and we are incredibly grateful for all the support and inclusion we see from everyone. Attendees encourage one another, listen intently, and extend graciousness and care – and it warms our hearts!

Sometimes, we notice that someone is struggling, with either the material we are covering or simply with their own life experience at the time. If this is ever the case with you, please know that we are happy you are there with us, no matter what is occurring in your life or whether or not you agree with everything that is being presented. Sometimes, it takes a while for things to come together in our minds – and other times, we may never really come to shared understanding, and yet we all can join with open hearts to support one another.

Lots of love to you!
Annette and Ada


Happy March to YOU!


Give Yourself the Gift of a Check-In