Two New Courses

Hello Friends!

A new week and two new courses to highlight for you! 

Clear Communication BASICS
8-Week Course

Our signature communication course will return once again on TUESDAY EVENINGS, JULY 7 - AUGUST 25, at 6:30 to 8:15PM. Originally, we had this scheduled for noontime, but we’ve had some requests for an evening class, so we thought we’d give it a try. If you’ve taken our noontime class and thought it was beneficial, please invite your friends and family to attend! The more people in our lives who use the Nonviolent Communication model, the more pleasant and honest our relationships can be. – The tuition for this course is $120 for eight weekly sessions. Please PRE-REGISTER for this course by emailing us at

Sundays with Annette and Ada
Applying A Course in Miracles to Our Daily Lives
8-Week Course - You DO NOT Have to Attend All 8 Weeks

We invite you to begin a new journey with us on SUNDAY MORNINGS, JULY 12 - AUGUST 30, from 11AM to Noon. In this course we will be teaching some of the basic concepts found in A Course in Miracles and everyone will be sharing their own unique experiences related to the concepts we cover. Our hope is that this course is very “hands on,” with lots of focused sharing.

Our desire is to regularly offer 8-week ACIM-themed courses on Sunday mornings.

Ada will also lead a meditation at the beginning of each course session.

The tuition for this course is your desired gift to sustain our Yellow Room. We appreciate your generosity. No pre-registration necessary.

* In both of these courses, until we receive a new directive from Mesa County Public Health, we will be social distancing and wearing masks.

Please contact us with any questions and we hope you all have a wonderful week! 

Love to all,
Annette and Ada


July 2020 Yellow Room Calendar


Courageous Leadership: VULNERABILITY