You Are Worth a Solution

look deep like lucy.png

Look for a solution as intently as our sweet Lucy looks for a treat!

Hello Friends,

Thank you to all of you who continue to reach out to us! As we’ve said before, it is always so wonderful to hear from you and keep our connection.

Yesterday, during our Sunday gathering, the topic of studying and practicing came up, and we’ve been thinking about it since. Actually, this is a subject the two of us talk about together regularly because we live in a world of the quick fix, instant gratification, and overnight success. As coaches, we see where these ideas keep people from investing time and energy into healing their relationships and improving their lives.

When people call us for their first session, rarely is their challenge something simple that can be solved in a day. In fact, most issues have gone unattended for years and have piled up to overwhelming proportions. By the time we get the call, the suffering has gone on for so long, the client wants change and solutions TODAY!

Unfortunately, the expectation and hope that a problem can be solved quickly will only lead to disappointment, defeat, and, many times, a broken heart.

From personal experience, we know that if a problem took years to make, it also takes time to solve. And for TRUE healing to occur, we must first understand the difference between a quick fix and a solution. A quick fix tries to reduce the pain, whereas a solution works with both the pain and its original cause so the pain does not return.

Our goal is a solution.

For example, when you are suffering from a headache, the first thing you might do is reach for a Tylenol – a quick fix. However, to TRULY get rid of the headache and prevent it from returning is to understand WHY you have it and what steps you must take to prevent its reoccurrence. Maybe you are overtired? Maybe you need to dust your house? Or you might be emotionally exhausted from arguing with your partner? Once you have an understanding, you can make corrections or changes that focus on the actual problem causing you pain – a solution.

Once you understand the WHY, you can make changes to address the WHY.

Reaching a solution takes time. You must look at where you have been, what you have done, the decisions you have made, and maybe even what has been done to you. You truly may have been a victim; however, you can move beyond your identity as a victim. Ultimately, solutions involve doing things differently than you have done in the past.

One thing we KNOW is that there is always a WHY, and there is always a solution. Another thing we KNOW is that YOU ARE WORTH A SOLUTION.

With love,
Annette and Ada


Begin each day with the Miracle Prayer from Miracle Principle 15 found only in the CAE:

Help me to perform whatever miracles [expressions of love] you want of me today.


Meaningful Activity for Meaningful Days


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