Simple Pleasures


Hello Dear Friends,

We hope you are all staying warm on this cold, cold Monday.

Yesterday, after Sundays with Annette and Ada (which was wonderful!), we made a quick stop at the grocery store to buy Valentine flowers for Don before heading off to our next adventure. As we were checking out, our cashier just happened to mention that her previous customer had purchased real, official gluten free, dairy free Oreo cookies.

Was she ever surprised at our happiness and joy! We haven’t had an official Oreo cookie for a decade – before we were diagnosed with celiac disease.

There wasn’t another customer behind us, so our cashier waited as Ada ran to get us a package for our Valentine’s dinner dessert – and were they ever the most absolutely delicious, delightful treat!

Something like Oreo cookies may not seem like a big deal. Yet, it is these little, simple surprises and treats that bring joy to life. In fact, for us, it is the simple pleasures that make life wonderful. If we are only happy and content with big events, we will miss out on a multitude of wonderful experiences.

Would you like to join us this week in paying close attention and acknowledging and appreciating the simple pleasures of life?

Together, we will find that the little things will come together to create a life of gratitude and joy.

Please email or text us to share your experience. We love hearing from all of you – even quick little texts make our days beautiful!

Love to all,
Annette and Ada

Coming Up

Wednesdays: ACIM Workbook Zoom with Annette and Ada - 7 to 8PM

Sundays: Sundays with Annette and Ada - 11AM to 12:15PM

Sunday, February 21, 2021: The Gifts of Imperfection Book Club

  • Zoom: 1 to 2PM

  • In Person: 2:30 to 3:30PM

Saturday, February 27, 2021: Courageous Leadership Seminar - 10AM to 5PM


One Step at a Time


February 2021 Vlog