A Lesson Learned

Annette and Ada 2021.05.17 Blog Img.png

Hello Friends –

Today, we want to share a lesson learned.

We always try to streamline what we do by analyzing the outcome, making adjustments, and trying to improve. As you know, we have been offering some of our classes and groups on Zoom, and a few weeks ago, we became aware of a new platform that SEEMED to be a great improvement. It would offer:

  • Easy access to our clients and group members

  • Easy payment and processing

  • All our classes and groups in one place so potential clients could find us

  • Less technology to set up physically in our office

  • More opportunities for connection and joining

It sounds like an easy decision, right?

Well, we will spare you all the gory details, but the answer is a definite NO. None of what we were hoping for came to fruition.  

Now, in the past, we would have been extremely disappointed and would have tried to “make things work” – even though, in our hearts, we would KNOW that we should cross the incident off as a learning experience and move on. In fact, in days gone by, we would NOT move on for another month or longer, after many trying days, forcing things to work, disappointment, frustration, and feeling like failures.

Not today though!

We’ve learned to trust US. We’ve learned that it does not mean we didn’t give things a chance or gave up too easily when we KNOW something is not working and we cut our losses and move on. It means we believe US and our abilities to discern a situation and honor our inner response.

The two of us have had to learn this the hard and long way – and we have suffered burnout, frustration, and the pain we all feel when we don’t listen to OURSELVES.  

And even though we learned it the hard and long way, this KNOWING is now something we trust.

You can trust yourself too!

Is something inside you telling you to:

  • Change your career?

  • Get out of your current relationship?

  • Move to a different location?

  • Apologize to a friend?

  • Spend more time with your granddaughter?

  • Eat more veggies and less ice cream?

  • Call your dad?

  • Examine what your religion teaches and see if this is TRULY what YOU believe?

  • Get involved with your community?

  • Stay home more and socialize less?

  • Invite a dear friend who you know is going through a tough time to dinner?

  • Give your partner some space?

When we learn to listen to OURSELVES, we begin to live fully because we are living from a place of authenticity. We are not reacting to life. Instead, we listen to the place inside us that KNOWS and RESPOND with trust.

Take it from us - whenever we have forced friendships, collaborations, activities, exercise, diets, jobs, and everything else that we knew deep inside didn’t fit us, it has never turned out well. Thus, even though it has taken us decades and decades, we understand what a gift it is to trust ourselves – a gift to us and, ultimately, to everyone in our lives.

Wishing you a beautiful week,
Annette and Ada


Facing Disappointment

