The Importance of Rest
Last week, we took the week off. Well . . . not completely off. We worked two days instead of five – and it was wonderful. Ada completed a long-awaited painting project, and Annette caught up on some chores and reading. We both had time to rest as well – something we haven’t done in a while – and this week, we are feeling refreshed and ready to go once again.
Do you take time to rest and rejuvenate yourself?
If not, we have lived many years where you are, and we want to share with you that if your objective is creating goals, achieving your goals, and feeling fulfilled, rest is the answer. Since we have started scheduling in time for rest into our busy lives, we have found that we actually get MORE accomplished than we did when we didn’t rest.
Now, we’re not going to say learning this was easy or we learned this without some pain involved. Quite the contrary! The truth is, we have struggled and struggled and struggled. Getting stuck thinking, more is more! More is more!
It took us a long time to realize that sometimes less is more. Less busyness, less stress, less structure, less commitment to others, less going from here to there with little downtime, less noise.
If you have already learned this important lesson, we’d love to hear from you:
How did you come to realize that some rest is GOOD?
What did your journey to understanding that some time off truly nurtures all of your life look like?
Here’s to scheduling some time off into your life!
Whether you schedule a few minutes each day, an afternoon during a hectic week, or a nice long vacation filled with fun and relaxation, your time spent resting will be time well spent!
Love to all,
Annette and Ada