Three Gems Before You Speak

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I love quotes and adages. Mainly because they are typically easy to remember, and I can take their wisdom wherever I go. There are a number of them that I call on frequently because they have taught me very valuable life lessons. I want to share three of them with you today, and while they may seem simplistic on the surface, for me, if I keep them in the back of my mind, these three gems make a significant impact on my relationships – and I think they will help you as well.

You could have gone all day without saying that.

Annette and I see over and over, day after day, situations where what has been said, texted, or otherwise communicated has done way more damage to the relationship than if nothing was said at all.

Ask yourself before you speak: Will my words positively contribute to this situation or relationship?

Think before you speak.

So much hurt and pain is caused in our world, communities, and homes because people don’t think before they speak. So even though we may feel frustrated, disheartened, or angry, it is wise to take some time before we engage with others to calm down and respond instead of reacting.

Ask yourself before you speak: Am I clear about my intentions in this conversation? Do I feel calm enough to speak from my heart and not from my defensiveness or pain? Will my words help or hurt this relationship?

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Undoubtedly, there are times in life where we must speak up and say what is in our hearts. Yet before we speak, let’s all try to first check-in and decide if what we want to share is KIND. Even the most serious issues can be handled with kindness.

Ask yourself before you speak: Am I coming from a place of concern and kindness with these words I want to say, or am I wanting to attack back, put someone down, or stir up trouble? 

I would love to hear your response to my thoughts and any quotes and adages that have helped you in your life.

Until next time,


Consideration Matters


The Importance of Rest