Am I Being Kind?

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Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hello Friends - 

We want to talk about kindness today. Really talk about it. 

With all that is happening in our country, communities, neighborhoods, families, and personal relationships, we want us all to take this week to ask ourselves: Am I Being Kind?

For us, kindness is about being considerate of others, even when we don’t agree with them. This consideration shows itself in our language and actions. 

Now, we aren’t writing this from a place of superiority – professing to be perfect ourselves when we know full well we are not. The truth is, we are all in this together and we all have room for improvement.

What concerns us is what we see as increased animosity towards family and friends based on two issues: Who someone is voting for in the upcoming election and whether or not someone is wearing a mask.

Do we REALLY want to let these two issues divide us from those we love – or even those in our community? In addition, and maybe this is the most important question to ask: Why are we all so angry?

History shows us repeatedly that fighting and war never truly bring about lasting peace. Peace cannot last when it is not based on consideration for all. We can see that just looking at our own country. Is all our fighting and arguing worth our own peace?

Personally, we are not immune to the fallout based on these two issues. We have been fired by clients because we strive to adhere to county regulations on masks, we have witnessed families fighting and ostracizing some of their members because of the presidential election, and we have also been in the position of trying to provide guidance to those who are suffering from the pain of anger and frustration. 

Why are we doing this to one another? Why are we doing this to OURSELVES?

We would like to propose a move toward KINDNESS. Not conformity, not keeping our opinions to ourselves, not going along to get along, or any other form of action that will ultimately end in resentment. We are proposing authenticity that shows itself in allowing everyone to be who they are, believe what they believe, and most importantly, possess the self-awareness that ensures our language and actions do not harm someone else – both emotionally and physically. 

Something has got to change in the way we treat one another. And this change can begin with the small group of folks receiving this email. It can start with making this simple self-inquiry in all of our conversations and interactions with others: AM I BEING KIND?

As always, we are open to your thoughts and comments.

Until next time,
Annette and Ada




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