My Business or Their Business

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Hello Friends -

We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving holiday!

Today, the topic of telling the truth is on our minds . . .

What does it mean to tell the truth? 

Quite honestly, this isn’t a simple question to answer and definitely not one that can be answered with blanket statements such as, “You must always tell the truth!

It’s more complicated than that, mainly because the truth isn’t always someone else’s business.

Small town gossip - or any gossip for that matter - and the rise of social media have put many of us in a position where we are asked to provide more information about our private lives than is necessary - or even healthy.

It is important for us to remember to be considerate of others when we are asking for the truth and considerate of ourselves when we are asked for the truth.

In both instances, ask yourself: 

Is this my business or their business?
Does this truly affect me or is this more about juicy gossip? 

If your friend is struggling and has enough problems on their plate already, is how they look any of your business? No. Unless they ask for your opinion, leave it alone.

What about the little one in your life who cleans their room and is so proud? Do we really have to point out where they missed dusting or the clothes left under their bed? It’s much more considerate to let them bask in their accomplishments! We might bring these things up at a later time, if the situation calls for it, but for today, it is their business of learning to do their best without criticism. 

If someone asks if you have been unfaithful to them, that is indeed their business because it affects them. Tell the truth.

If you are in a leadership position and must report bad news to those whom you are leading, tell the truth.

And when people ask questions that are your business – respect yourself enough to acknowledge that an invasion of your privacy is none of their business and you are not required to answer in order to be truthful.

Most of all, it is very inconsiderate to invade someone else’s privacy – either in person or on social media. If something isn’t our business, we shouldn’t ask or make comments that others might find hurtful.

One thing that is our business: hoping you are all doing well!

Lots of love to you,
Annette and Ada


Thinking of You


Happy Thanksgiving!