Keeping in Touch

I love biking with my dad!
~ Ada

Hello from Our Home to Yours!

We trust you are all doing well, staying home, and staying healthy. We sure have missed seeing you and joining together for our classes and discussions.

THANK YOU!!!! to those of you who have contacted us via email, text, and phone message. We are extremely grateful to hear from you and stay in touch. Your connection means a great deal to us.

To continue our discussion from last week, today we’d like to share a few more personal practices with you, with the intention of helping you create positive, life-enriching habits in your own lives.


We are firm believers in exercising OUTDOORS whenever possible. Yes, it is good to go to the gym and yoga studio - AND - making sure you get outside at least three times a week is extremely beneficial for your physical, mental, and emotional health.

We like to bike, walk, and run. Obviously, this is not always possible, especially in the winter months; however, when it IS an option, we try to make it happen. There are many other ways to exercise outdoors, such as hiking, golfing, playing catch in the backyard, having fun with a frisbee in the park, roller skating/blading, and playing tennis. Of course, the best exercise is the exercise you will DO – so think about what you truly enjoy doing outdoors and, if you are physically able (make sure to check with your physician), go out and start doing it!

Please remember, you do NOT have to bike 15 miles or run for an hour. Just 30 minutes outdoors, three times a week, will do you wonders! And it doesn’t have to be a competition. We repeat, it is FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT! Exercising outdoors is a great opportunity to breath in the fresh air, focus on something different, and relax.


We also advocate keeping ourselves on a routine, especially when it comes to sleep. It’s very hard on our bodies when we do not get adequate sleep or our sleep is interrupted. Getting seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep is always our goal.

That means, we do not take calls after we have gone to bed, and we do not get up during the night to check our messages or eat a late-night snack. We stay in our beds and rest. When we can’t sleep, we may sit in meditation for a while and then return to bed, although, since we keep ourselves on a routine, not being able to sleep does not occur very often.

During this time of staying at home, we realize that keeping a routine may not be desired, or even possible. Yet, it may be a time to learn to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time each day so your body has an opportunity to adjust.

Please keep the emails, texts, and calls coming! We love hearing from you and would enjoy learning how you like to exercise.

Stay well, dear friends!

Lots of love to you,
Annette and Ada


Meet Greta


How Do You Start Your Day?