How Do You Start Your Day?

Seek not outside yourself.
~ A Course in Miracles

Hello Everyone! 

Well, it will be another week at home for many. We have been thinking about all of you, wishing you happiness and health. If you want to reach out and send us an email to let us know how you’re doing, we’d love to hear from you!

For the next few weeks, we wanted to share some of our personal practices with you. We have been taking this time of staying at home and social distancing to think about our lives, our work, what we are offering, and how to make some adjustments and improvements. Our daily practices and other resources have been essential during this time. Today, we’re going to give you a peek at how we begin each day.


We like to start our mornings with our AT-HOME YOGA PRACTICE. This is important because it helps us to get back into our body after a night of rest and center into how we are feeling. Yoga with Adriene is our at-home yoga instructor. She is on YouTube and all the videos are free. There are 30-day practices, individual practices, and even guided meditations. We can’t say enough about how much she adds to our mornings. 

Here is the link to her YouTube channel:

After yoga, we move into our 20-MINUTE MEDITATION. In the past, we have not always been consistent with our meditations because it wasn’t part of our routine. This year, however, we have made a conscious effort to meditate almost daily – and what a difference it has made in our energy level and mental clarity. We prefer silent meditation most days, and other days we choose an uplifting, soothing guided meditation.

Then we move on to our DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE, which we believe is an essential part to creating happy, whole lives for ourselves. We are not referring to a specific religious practice, we are talking about finding our own way to communicate with ourselves and our Creator.

For you, this could include reading a scripture, listening to a teaching, spending time in prayer, going for a walk by yourself and connecting within, or any way that truly helps you connect with the Source of Love that is everywhere at all times and is there for you no matter who you are. Love loves love, and when we are able to rest in the stillness of love, we are guided and nurtured all day every day. 

For us, our personal spiritual practice includes reading from A Course in Miracles. Yours may be walking your dogs in a field. It doesn’t matter what your daily spiritual practice is, it only matters if you take the time to connect with yourself and your Creator and recognize you are loved. 

So, that’s our morning. How do YOU start your day? We’d love to hear from you!

Love to all,
Annette and Ada


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