Shining the Light on YOU!

Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.

~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Hello Everyone!

Does a Crystal Bowl and Gong Healing sound good to you? If so, we will be having our first one with Kim St.Germain and Mary Hertert THIS FRIDAY, March 13, at 7 to 8PM. We’re excited to attend ourselves – and it would be great to have many of you join us!

Last week, we got off to a good start with our Enneagram class, and we will be back for more Tuesday evening, beginning at 6:30PM. The Enneagram is a valuable tool in our personal relationships and, most importantly, our relationship with ourselves. In addition, if you are an employer or work with others, knowing the Enneagram can be extremely useful. It is excellent for bringing awareness and understanding to unconscious patterns of behavior. Don’t worry if you missed the first session. We still have eight more information-packed evenings planned!


With the beginning of daylight savings, we want to offer an idea that we hope will be helpful. Now that we’ve turned our clocks ahead and are enjoying more daylight at the end of our days, it would be beneficial to take a cue from Mother Nature and shine a light onto all areas of our lives. By this we mean, taking a personal inventory:

  • How are your most important relationships? Do you have honest and open communication with your loved ones and close friends?

  • Have you been taking care of your body during the winter months by exercising, eating healthy foods, drinking enough water (half your weight in ounces every day!), and getting enough sleep? The average adult between the ages of 26 to 64 needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night to perform at their best. Without sleep, our bodies cannot rejuvenate themselves properly.

  • Do you spend your days in meaningful work or activities? We want to be invested in how we pass each day because this gives us a sense of self-worth and purpose. This doesn’t mean we must work toward a high-income position, or even be employed at all. It does mean, however, that we get whole-heartedly involved in something outside ourselves where we contribute and feel a sense of belonging. 

Seeing where you’re at is a gift you give yourself. If you are not where you wish to be or know you are struggling in a specific area, it’s time for some course correction! Many times, we can do this on our own or with the help of a friend. Other times, we may need to make a bigger investment in ourselves and spend time with a coach or counselor.

No matter what you decide to do for yourself, remember you are worth any and all the effort it takes to create a happy life. 

Peace, love, and joy to you,
Annette and Ada


Get Creative with Connection


Happy March to YOU!