Get Creative with Connection

Hello everyone!

We have been thinking about all of you – hoping you are doing well and staying healthy.

With the worldwide spread of COVID-19, and restaurants, gyms, hair salons, movie theaters, concerts, and other gatherings temporarily off-limits, social distancing has fast become a way of life. And even though we all understand the need for social distancing, isolating ourselves, can have an impact on our overall emotional health.

According to the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology, social isolation, and the resulting loneliness, can lead to depression, anxiety, increased stress, poor sleep quality - and, in many ways, can be as unhealthy as smoking.

When at home for longer periods of time than normal, it's easy to get into the habit of turning on the TV, watching Netflix, playing video games excessively, and other more sedentary, solitary activities.

Through our Clear Communication BASICS workshop (which we will offer once again when we know everyone will be safe to attend!), we teach about different needs and values that must be met in order to have a healthy life. Most of them are SOCIAL. What can we do to meet those needs in these times where the recommendation is to isolate? Well, as those of you who have attended our class know: there is more than one way to meet a need!

This is a time to get creative. Physical distancing does not have to equate to emotional distancing.

If you are a busy family who typically doesn’t eat dinner together, maybe now is the time! If you don’t normally get to talk with your friends as much as you’d like because everyone’s schedule is full, maybe now is the time to pick up that phone and start dialing! Skype with your kids! Check in on each other. Actually, have a conversation with your partner.

While our current situation is not ideal, in this world of chronic busyness, we can make this a time of slowing our lives down and CONNECTING with those who are important to us on a deeper level. Sometimes, when we lose someone we love, we regret that we didn’t spend time with them while they were here. Well, now’s the time! We all have at least the next few weeks to come together with those we love via phone, video chat, FaceTime, or even handwriting a letter.

If you need some motivation, here’s a song for you!

Love to all of you,
Annette and Ada


How Do You Start Your Day?


Shining the Light on YOU!