What Does Happiness Look Like for You Today?

We are all searching for happiness. It doesn’t matter whether we call happiness, peace, or contentment, or even being satisfied with life; we all pretty much want the same thing: to feel good about our lives.

For most of us, our search for happiness is more than a desire – it is our destination.

In this sense, being happy becomes much like a game. If we achieve specific goals and don’t get our hearts broken by life too many times, we win and get to be happy. Consciously or unconsciously, we believe if all the right boxes get checked, then we can finally say we’re happy. Happiness becomes the ultimate trophy and the prize of a job well done.

The problem is, when happiness is our destination, we can very easily – and most of us DO – continually move the goalposts: We keep adding to our list of I’ll-be-happy-whens and concentrate more often on our many reasons why, “I can’t be happy because . . .”

The better strategy is to ask ourselves,
“What does happiness look like and feel like for me today - in this moment?”

This question allows happiness to be a daily, dynamic, attainable experience for each of us, right here, right now.

Lots of love to you!
Annette and Ada


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The Difficult Things to Hear