Let’s Share Some Appreciation

some friends hugging

Hello Everyone -

I hope your Monday is off to a great start! In my life, I have found that Mondays are all about my attitude. Like when I go into the week with a case of the Mondays, I’m not surprised when my sour mood is reflected in my experience.

With that in mind, I want to share with you about appreciation.

Over this past Christmas holiday, we binged through what has become one of my favorite shows ever made, Ted Lasso. Throughout the series, the main character, Ted, tells people he appreciates them. Most of the time, his “I appreciate you” is sincere and honest, although there are situations when he uses this expression as an automatic response to what is occurring as he deals with others. Either way, Ted’s “I appreciate you” has stayed with me, and I often find myself thinking about what it means to be appreciated as well as how important it is to express my appreciation to others.

One of the tools that has helped me the most in my life is Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and it is the third component of NVC that sheds light on the need of appreciation. We all have this need, no matter who we are. To have the need of appreciation means that we need to:

  • be appreciated by others

  • recognize our appreciation for others, and

  • express our appreciation to others

Our need for appreciation is closely related to our inner desire to be seen, heard, and known. To be appreciated by others is to have what we do from our hearts acknowledged. To recognize our appreciation for others is to open ourselves up to seeing how others contribute to our lives. And expressing our appreciation to others honors all involved by building connection and belonging.

What’s more, through appreciation, we can see, hear, and know ourselves because it gives us the opportunity to look inside and own what is true for us.

Let’s join together today and share some appreciation!

  1. Think about three people in your life who support and love you.

  2. Send them a quick email or text expressing your appreciation for them.

Sharing some appreciation will go a long way in starting the week off on a positive note – for you and for those three people you appreciate.

Thank you for being part of all the work Annette and I do.

We both appreciate you!



Feel Your Feelings


Befriending Ourselves