We Believe in YOU!

Hello Friends!

It is always a joy to connect with you, and we hope you are all doing well. Today, we want to share something that touched our hearts this past weekend.

On Sunday evening, we checked our email and to our surprise, we received the most wonderful testimonial from one of our clients who we coached back in 2018. As we read our client’s thoughts and feelings detailing their experience with us, not only were we moved, but we were also struck once again with a deep sense of gratitude for all of you who have trusted us to support you.

Looking from the view we have today, when we began our coaching journey way back in 2013, we really had no idea what this experience would turn out to be. We had in mind that our primary goal was to be of support to everyone who walked through our doors. However, we can say now that we had NO IDEA of the sense of gratitude, love, dedication, support, and belonging that WE would receive from our clients and course attendees. It warms our hearts and motivates us to get up each morning and do our very best; it has also helped us see the best in others and ourselves.

Something that has proven itself to us time and time again is that when people CHOOSE to heal their lives, they heal their lives – without exception.

And this CHOICE is made so much easier when we know someone believes in us, even when we might not be able to believe in ourselves.

Our client who sent us their surprise testimonial gave us permission to share it and this is the part that we want all of you to know:

Annette and Ada were right about me. They saw what I could not see and gifted me with a belief in myself that I could not develop on my own. The past is truly past, but mercifully visible to draw lessons from. Working with Annette and Ada is refreshing because of their non-judgmental way of loving and leading me into my strengths.

We DO believe in you and appreciate everything you do to improve your lives. To the best of your ability at the time, you work as hard as you can work, are as dedicated as you can be, and most importantly, you KNOW you want to show up differently in your lives. What a joy it has been to walk alongside you and watch you change, heal, and grow.

You are a gift to us, your family and friends, and most of all, your hard work and dedication allow you to show up fully and authentically for yourself.

Thanks for all you do!
Annette and Ada


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