Tomorrow’s Election

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Hello Dear Friends,

You all know us pretty well. So, you know we encourage everyone to try to respond to the happenings in life in a kind and loving manner. Here are some tried and true ways to do this when you are facing a challenging situation:

  • Ask yourself: How will this situation affect my life in a week, a month, a year, or five years?

  • Go within and get in touch with how you feel RIGHT NOW, and then think about how you might feel in a week, a month, a year, or five years?

  • Most importantly, make sure you won’t regret how you act, treat others, or how you are allowing others to treat you

We will not experience regret if we take the time NOW to recognize our initial reaction to our challenging situation, take a pause, go within, find the love deep down within us (love IS within everyone, even when it does not appear to be on the surface), and respond with kindness.

Kindness will not always look like we may think it will look. It may be:

  • Sticking up (respectfully) for ourselves for the first time in an unhealthy relationship

  • Resigning from a job because of the toxic environment

  • Telling someone we love NO, when all we’ve ever said before is YES

  • Quietly listening while our partner shares from their heart, instead of interrupting like we usually do

  • Letting a careless comment slide when we know our friend is deeply worried and frustrated and waiting until another time to express how their behavior hurt us

  • Smiling at the homeless man we typically walk past while avoiding eye contact

  • And the BIG ONE, understanding that our election tomorrow is a tremendous source of fear and worry for so many, and animosity IS NOT THE ANSWER; no matter what the outcome, we still must be kind

Our days together are precious. We must treat them that way. Days come and go, elections come and go. Yet, after all is said and done, what is the most important thing? Our Kindness . . . to others and ourselves.

With love and kindness,
Annette and Ada



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