Lessons from Ada

annette and ada

Ada and I have been working together for several years now, and I have enjoyed every moment. During these years, we’ve had lots of ups and downs, good days and bad – and I wouldn’t trade our time together for anything. Along the way, Ada has taught me many important lessons, and one that has possibly impacted me the most is:

Start with the Easy Things!

As coaches, we have the great blessing of joining our clients as they learn, heal, and grow. They are no different from the two of us. Although we may not use the same words, when it comes down to it, we all want to create meaningful lives of peace and connection.

Sometimes, healing, learning, and growing can seem overwhelming. I have often thought to myself, how will I ever be where I want to be? It is in times like this that I remember what Ada always says:

Don’t think of the whole picture. Instead, break your desire down to your first step: the easiest thing. Then you can build from there.

When I first heard Ada say this, I wasn’t so sure. It was completely opposite from how I had always approached my goals and challenges. My method was to get the most difficult part over with first and then move forward. However, I realized that sometimes I would put off getting started or I would do the most complex part first and then feel so overwhelmed that I didn’t even want to move forward.

As I’ve approached my challenges Ada’s way, I have been surprised with how much ease it brings. For example, instead of feeling scared and apprehensive about looking at a problematic area of my life, I experience a sense of confidence and assurance when I am successful in dealing with the easiest thing first. The more success I have, the easier it is to move forward.

I encourage you to give Ada’s Start with the Easy Things a try – and let us know how it works for you. We all know how it feels to be stuck and not know where to begin when making changes in our lives. But getting a little success under our belts will help us find the courage to take our next step – and as we move slowly along, before we know it, we experience the life we thought was never possible.

Wishing you a lovely week,


Moving On


Being Our Best Selves Takes Our Best Work