Our Newsletter
Asking for Help
The other day, Annette and I had a conversation about how much courage it takes to come in for coaching. Courage that not everyone has – and courage that we acknowledge and appreciate each day.
Feel Your Feelings
It is crucial for our wellbeing to feel our feelings. Feeling our feelings can be a tough and scary thing to do, which is why many of us don’t do it. It is tough and scary because we might not have learned how to go within and recognize what is going on inside us.
Bullying and Harassment: My Story
I am deeply saddened that people act with hate and try to destroy other people’s lives. It is even worse when you are related to them because you feel trapped. As victims, we must understand that WE GET TO DECIDE who has the privilege of being in our lives.
Letting Go of Advice Giving
Giving advice to one another is something many of us do without really thinking. Yet, giving advice to someone who has not asked for it can cause a lot of problems.
July 2021 Vlog
This month we are continuing our It’s Okay If theme we started in our June Vlog. Here we discuss that it is definitely okay to need help.