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Hello Friends –

We hope you are doing well this week!

What a wonderful day we had yesterday. We started off with our Sundays with Annette and Ada meeting, then we quickly got on Zoom for our Gifts of Imperfection Book Club. We ended our afternoon with the in-person book club. Thank you to all of you who joined us! As we were leaving our Yellow Room after such a full day, our hearts were filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share these beautiful times of connection.

And that is our topic for today: CONNECTION 

The pandemic has been challenging on many levels, the most important being the loss of connection. Loved ones have had to take their last breaths alone, many have been without face-to-face interaction for months at a time, families have missed important events and holiday celebrations, and life has changed for everyone. 

And yet, finding ways to connect is so very important – for both our mental and physical health. We mentioned in an earlier blog that isolation is as stressful on our physical health as smoking. In our coaching practice, we are seeing that the mental and emotional toll of isolation can be devastating.

We encourage you to make an effort to keep or maybe even bring back connection into your life. Here are some ideas: 

  • Call friends whom you have not spoken to since before the holidays.

  • FaceTime or Zoom with one or more of your family members or close friends at least once a week. This doesn’t have to be a long conversation. Seeing the faces of those we love is important and goes a long way to feeling a sense of belonging.

  • Participate in a Zoom class about something you’re interested in – cooking, gardening, communication, meditation, history or anything you have always wanted to learn. The point is to share time with others. There are a lot of negative opinions about Zoom, and we understand why Zoom can become tiresome; however, if the choice is Zoom or no connection, Zoom. Admittedly, we prefer face-to-face interactions, but without Zoom we wouldn’t be able to coach many of our clients. Recently, we added on Zoom for groups, and we are loving it!

  • If possible, go on a walk with a friend, weather permitting. You can enjoy one another’s company, even as you wear face masks and keep your distance!

Let’s try our best to make connection a part of our lives. Even if you are on the more introverted side, connection is vital to life!

Feeling thankful for our connection with you,
Annette and Ada

This Week:

Tuesday: Enneagram 1, Zoom and In Person @ 6 to 7:30PM

Wednesday: ACIM Workbook, Zoom @ 7 to 8PM

Sunday: Sundays with Annette and Ada, Zoom and In Person @ 11 to 12:15PM

If you are interested in coaching, contact us at


More Than Our Worst Day


Change. Heal. Grow.