Our Newsletter
Development Digest - September 2024
At its core, leadership is about self-work. It's not about titles or positions but about becoming the best version of ourselves. When we invest in our own personal growth, we naturally inspire and empower those around us.
Embracing Healthy Disagreements
We encourage you to consider reframing your perspective on disagreements. View them not as precursors to conflict but as opportunities for growth and understanding.
Embracing Healthy Interdependence
Healthy interdependence is the harmonious balance that allows individuals to rely on each other while maintaining their unique identities, fostering both personal growth and deeper connections.
Trust-Building Activities
Trust is a foundational element in any relationship, and it's nurtured over time through consistent actions, experiences that foster openness, and shared moments of mutual respect.
The Cost of a Stressful Life
A life lived fully isn't about eliminating stress but understanding and navigating it with wisdom and grace. If you are struggling with stress and need support, please reach out, and we will do our best to help you find relief.
Holding Space: The Power of Presence and Compassion
In the tapestry of human relationships and personal development, holding space is the thread that binds us in authenticity and love.
Greta’s Healing Journey Continues
Today, we wanted to update you on Annette and Don’s sweet rescue dog Greta, who is near and dear to Ada’s heart as well. Over the past two years, the three of us have worked together to help Greta feel safe and loved.
Crab Omelets
Last week, Annette shared that she had a craving for crab omelets. We hadn’t made those in a while, and they sounded absolutely delicious to me as well! Neither one of us had the recipe handy, and we both tried to remember how much crabmeat our recipe required.
Respond When You Are Ready
If you have talked to us for any length of time, you know that when we find ourselves in challenging situations and relationships, we are big on taking time to let our charged reactions, or in Nonviolent Communication terms our Jackal Language, subside BEFORE we share our truth with others.
The Difficult Things to Hear
Whether in our professional or personal lives, most of us have experienced coming to a crossroads - where we must choose between honoring our own boundaries and values or choosing against ourselves.
Are You A . . .
Whatever your profession or role in life, we know that our communication class starting tomorrow evening will benefit how you interact with the important people in your life. There is still time to join us – and we encourage you to do so either in person in our Yellow Room or via Zoom.
Clear Communication BASICS Begins October 26th!
Over our eight weeks together, you will learn each of the four components of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication and how to use them in your life. In addition, by the end of our time together, you will understand how to give and receive empathy, and how to listen wholeheartedly.
Letting Go of Advice Giving
Giving advice to one another is something many of us do without really thinking. Yet, giving advice to someone who has not asked for it can cause a lot of problems.
Join Us Next Week
Just a quick reminder that we have two exciting courses coming up next week (ACIM and Know Your Boundaries), and we would love for you to join us!
Three Gems Before You Speak
So much hurt and pain is caused in our world, communities, and homes because people don’t think before they speak. So even though we may feel frustrated, disheartened, or angry, it is wise to take some time before we engage with others to calm down and respond instead of reacting.
July 2021 Vlog
This month we are continuing our It’s Okay If theme we started in our June Vlog. Here we discuss that it is definitely okay to need help.
Our Message Can Get Lost in Our Delivery
As coaches, we have not met anyone who did not have something valuable to share. Yet, we have met plenty of people whose sharing was done in such a way that it has been hard for others to hear and understand them.
May Vlog
This month, we discuss a problem we see often: people forget to ask themselves before they speak, "Is what I'm about to say KIND, TRUE, and NECESSARY?" Our communication can make or break our relationships - including our relationship with ourselves. Because of this, rather than reacting to what someone says, we must take the time to go within and respond with intention.
April’s Vlog and More!
We hope April is off to a wonderful start for all of you! As is our new custom, we share a VLOG with you at the beginning of each month, and we do appreciate the feedback many of you give us. In our APRIL VLOG, we share WHY we do what we do!