Strategies for Holiday Stress

As the crisp autumn sights and sounds surround us, we are reminded that the festive season is right around the corner. For many, the coming holidays will be a time of joy, reflection, and togetherness. Yet, for others, the anticipation of the months to come may bring rising stress levels, endless obligations, and the daunting expectation of "perfect" celebrations.

As coaches, throughout the years, we have seen heightened anxiety, depression, increased conflict, and overwhelm starting around the end of October through mid-January. Please know that you are not alone if you are beginning to feel weary about the coming months.

Let's delve into some strategies and shifts in perspective that might help you alleviate some of your tension:

Redefine Traditions

The essence of traditions lies in the feelings and memories they generate, not in the exact replication of activities. If a tradition causes more stress than joy, perhaps it's time to modify it or even create a new one. Remember, as Ada frequently reminds us, it's your holiday, too, and you have the agency to celebrate it in a way that brings you peace and happiness.


Do you need to cook a feast for 20 people, or could you opt for a potluck dinner instead? Rather than purchasing gifts for everyone, what about a gift exchange or focusing on experiences? Sometimes, less really is more!

Establish Boundaries

It's okay to say no. If attending every holiday event or gathering feels overwhelming, prioritize the ones that matter most. It’s crucial for your well-being to recognize when you're stretched thin and act accordingly.

Stay Mindful

In the whirlwind of holiday preparations, it's easy to lose sight of the present moment. Set aside time for yourself. Whether it's through meditation, reading, or simply a walk in nature, grounding yourself can do wonders for your mental health.

Seek Support

Talk to your loved ones about how you're feeling. They may offer a fresh perspective, share the workload, or even join you in reshaping holiday traditions. Remember, you don't have to face holiday stress alone.

Focus on What Truly Matters

At the heart of the festive season are love, gratitude, and connection. If certain traditions or obligations are pulling you away from these core values, it might be time for a change.

If you are feeling uneasy about the upcoming festivities, it's a sign to pause, reflect, and make changes. Embrace the freedom to create a holiday experience that aligns with your well-being and values. After all, the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones is a peaceful and joyful heart.


A Strategic Pause


Transitions and Transformations