Development Digest - July 2024

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
- Wayne Dyer

The Power of Perception

The Academy for Personal Development focuses on a theme each month. During coaching sessions in our Yellow Room and on our Morning Intentions Community Podcast, June was an absolutely insightful month with our theme of PERCEPTION.

We received many comments from our clients and podcast listeners expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to learn about perception and how our daily intentions were helping them see their lives differently. Our clients who are not yet a part of our podcast community also asked us what it means to make a morning intention, so we thought it might be helpful to share our answer with all of you!

Each weekday morning, our podcast examines a topic. At the end of the podcast, we share an Intention for the Day—a focus, a goal, a guiding thought—and sometimes, our intention is a Reflection Question (How does this topic show up in MY life?).

We hold our Intention for the Day in our hearts and minds throughout the day.

Personally, this practice has changed our lives, and it helps us move forward with our goal of learning to show up as the best version of ourselves every single day.

To give you an idea, here are June’s Intentions focusing on perception:

  • I will do a Perception Check: I will think of a recent challenging situation and write down my initial perception of that situation. Then, I will consider other alternate perceptions that I could have of that situation.

  • Am I telling a story about someone I love, and am I willing to have a conversation about my perception with that person?

  • In a situation, I will ask myself, "Is this the only possible perspective I could have?"

  • Do you have someone in your life where your perception has changed?

  • I will be aware of when my perception is affecting my perspective.

  • I will bring awareness to an identity I have made for a person close to me.

  • Do I have some Perception Preservers that are keeping me stuck?

  • Which do you prefer: cognitive reframing or positive reframing? Why?

  • I will question my perseverating thoughts and ask myself, "Who would I be without this thought?"

  • I will practice the four-step reframing process:

    • 1. Identify the negative thought

    • 2. Challenge the thought

    • 3. Reframe the thought

    • 4. Observe the impact of the cognitive reframing

  • I will be aware of the tools in my toolbox and will use them to make life more wonderful for myself and for others.

  • As I go throughout my day, I will recognize my interdependence with the people I see and the people I don't see.

  • If I make a mistake, I will acknowledge that I made a mistake, and I will try to fix it, or I will promise myself that I will not make that same mistake again, or I will seek out support in either fixing the mistake or not making the same mistake again.

  • Am I living with authenticity and am I living in integrity?

  • I will remind myself, I can choose peace instead of my misperceptions.

  • In my interactions today, I will check in with myself. Do I want to be right? Or, do I want to be happy?

  • I will do my part and make sure that my conversations with others are peaceful and fulfilling for both of us.

  • When I am facing challenging times or a challenging situation, I will remember my mindfulness skills and stay present in the moment. I will use my cognitive reframing or my positive reframing and stay in the moment. I will focus on what I can control, and I will be willing to be inspired by others.

  • During this month of perception, what shifts in perception have I experienced from error to truth?

  • When I find myself in judgment, I will lift my eyes and be willing to see whatever it is in a different light.

Whew! That’s a lot of intentions!

Our month of perception was a great help to us personally, to our wonderful clients, and to all of our devoted podcast listeners.

If you would like support becoming the best version of yourself, please contact us!

See, Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch: Live Fully in Each Moment!

This month, we invite you to join us on an exciting journey through YOUR FIVE SENSES. Using Gretchen Rubin’s enlightening book “Life in Five Senses” as our backdrop, we are exploring how engaging more deeply with our senses can transform our everyday experiences and enhance our overall well-being.

Each week, we are focusing on a different sense—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—providing practical tips, exercises, and personal stories to help you heighten your sensory awareness and live more fully in the present moment.

As a subscriber to our Patreon-based podcast, you'll have exclusive access to insightful discussions, guided practices, and valuable resources designed to help you savor the richness of life through your senses. And, of course, you will have access to our entire library of nearly 400 episodes!

Together, Let’s Live Life in Five Senses!

Join us for a brand new 20-minute episode each weekday, and reflect with us on Saturdays

Our Day Is Better Because YOU Are Part of Our Day!

Self-Care Tip of the Month:
Transform Your Day with a Simple Perception Check

This month, we're excited to share a powerful self-care technique: the Perception Check. Our perceptions shape our reality, influencing our feelings, reactions, and interactions with the world. Regularly checking and adjusting our perceptions can cultivate a more positive, balanced, and fulfilling life.

What is a Perception Check? A Perception Check is a mindful practice that involves pausing to reflect on how you interpret a situation and consider alternative perspectives. It's a way to ensure that your perceptions serve you well and contribute to your well-being.

How to Perform a Perception Check:

  • Pause and Breathe:

    • Take a moment to stop whatever you're doing. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  • Identify the Situation:

    • Think about a recent event or situation that elicited a strong emotional response. This could be anything from a disagreement with a colleague to feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list.

  • Acknowledge Your Initial Perception:

    • Write down or mentally note your immediate thoughts and feelings about the situation. What was your initial reaction? How did it make you feel?

  • Question Your Perception:

    • Ask yourself if there are other ways to view the situation. Consider questions like:

      • Is my perception based on facts or assumptions?

      • How might someone else perceive this situation differently?

      • What aspects of this situation are within my control?

  • Reframe the Situation:

    • Try to reframe your perception in a more positive or balanced way. For example, instead of thinking, "I failed at this task," you might reframe it as, "I faced a challenge, and I learned something valuable from it."

  • Reflect on the Impact:

    • Notice how this new perception changes your emotional response. Do you feel lighter, more at peace, or more empowered?

Why It Matters: Regularly performing Perception Checks can help you break free from negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and improve your overall mental and emotional well-being. It fosters resilience and encourages a more compassionate and empathetic outlook on life.

Try It Out: This month, commit to doing a Perception Check at least once a week. Keep a journal to document your experiences and reflections. Notice how this simple practice can transform your perceptions and enhance your daily life.

Remember, you have the power to shape your reality through your perceptions. Embrace the Perception Check as a valuable tool for self-care and personal growth.

Stay mindful and be kind to yourself!

Unlocking Self-Awareness with "The Road Back to You"

Ada’s ready for summer! 💖

As life coaches and mentors, we emphasize the importance of self-awareness in achieving personal growth and fulfillment. "The Road Back to You" by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile is a transformative resource that aligns perfectly with this goal. This book introduces the Enneagram, a powerful tool for your personal development toolbox. We teach the Enneagram to all of our clients because it offers deep insights into our behaviors, motivations, and underlying drives.

"The Road Back to You" is not just an informative read. It’s a journey toward understanding yourself and others. Each chapter provides detailed descriptions of the nine Enneagram types, offering practical advice on harnessing your strengths and addressing your weaknesses. This awareness can enhance your relationships, improve communication, and guide you toward more authentic living.

To add even more value, we recommend a simple exercise to accompany your reading: the Reflection Journal. As you explore each Enneagram type, take time to journal your thoughts and reactions. Reflect on which type resonates most with you, and consider how its insights can apply to your daily life. Note patterns in your behavior and moments of growth, fostering a deeper connection with your true self.

We highly recommend "The Road Back to You" for anyone seeking greater self-awareness and personal development. Combine it with the Reflection Journal exercise, and you'll be well on your way to unlocking profound insights and becoming the best version of yourself!

Refreshing Cucumber Mint Water

Ever go to a restaurant, and they have that nice cucumber mint water? It's actually easy to make. Just follow our recipe, and you can be fancy right at home. 😉

It goes well with our Chia Pudding from June’s Digest.


  • 1 cucumber, thinly sliced

  • 10-15 fresh mint leaves

  • 8 cups of cold water

  • Ice cubes

  • Lemons and limes, if desired


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Thinly slice the cucumber. You can peel it if you prefer, but leaving the peel on adds extra flavor and nutrients. Rinse the mint leaves.

  2. Combine in a Pitcher: Add the cucumber slices and fresh mint leaves in a large pitcher.

  3. Add Water: Pour the cold water into the pitcher over the cucumber and mint.

  4. Chill: Let the water sit in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours to allow the flavors to infuse. The longer it sits, the more flavorful it will become.

  5. Serve: Add ice cubes to glasses and pour the cucumber mint water over the ice. If desired, garnish with extra cucumber slices, mint leaves, or slices of lemon and lime.

This cucumber mint water is rejuvenating and hydrating, and it takes only a few minutes to prepare. Enjoy it throughout the day to stay cool and recharge!

Thank you for being part of our community!

Development Digest - August 2024


Development Digest - June 2024